The general condition of the building and any items requiring maintenance. Areas generally including the interior on a room by room basis, exterior, roof exterior, sub floor, roof void space, garage, gardens, outbuildings and drainage.
The Building Inspection report examines the general condition of the building and any items requiring maintenance. Areas generally including the interior on a room by room basis, exterior, roof exterior, sub floor, roof void space, garage, gardens and outbuildings are inspected. It is a visual inspection only limited to the areas and sections of the property fully accessible and visible to the Inspector on the date of Inspection
The purpose of the inspection is to provide advice to a prospective purchaser or other interested party regarding the condition of the property at the time of the inspection. The advice is limited to the reporting of the condition of the Building Elements in accord with Appendix C AS4349.1-2007.
The Scope of the Inspection: The inspection comprises a visual assessment of the property to identify major defects and to form an opinion regarding the general condition of the property at the time of inspection. An estimate of the cost of rectification of defects is outside the scope of the Standard and therefore does not form part of this report.
Electrical – All electrical wiring, meter-box and appliances need to be checked by a qualified electrician. The checking of any electrical item is outside the scope of this report.
Plumbing -All plumbing needs to be inspected and reported on by a plumber. It’s recommended that a licensed plumber be consulted for further advice.
Smoke Detectors – Australian Standard 3786 – Advises that Smoke detectors are required for all buildings where people sleep. It is recommended that an electrician be consulted to advise on those installed or install these detectors
Asbestos – An inspection for asbestos is not carried out at the property and no report on the presence or absence of asbestos is provided. If during the course of the Inspection asbestos or materials containing asbestos happen to be noticed then this may be noted in the Room By Room section of the report. Buildings built prior to 1982 may have wall and/or ceiling sheeting and other products including roof sheeting that contains Asbestos. Even buildings built after this date up until the early 90s may contain some Asbestos. You should make your own enquiries and obtain reports (from a licensed Asbestos Assessor) in relation to the presence of loose fill asbestos insulation (and other forms of asbestos) on the premises. For more information go to the Asbestos Awareness Website – www.asbestos.act.gov.au